Beware of Fake Abortion Clinics & Abortion Pills Scam

Fake abortion clinics misrepresent abortion service, lie to their victims and often use malicious language to scare women and prevent them from having abortions. They trap abortion-seekers by claiming to provide “all options” to end unintended pregnancies but it turns out that they offer diversion (e.g hormonal treatment and wrong medications, fake abortion pills, etc) that caused complications during abortion.

Most of the fake abortion clinics were set up by psychologists, scammers impersonating doctors, anti-abortion nurses, unethical doctors, general practitioners and ultrasound technicians. They seek to target women who are financially desperate, particularly uneducated low-income women, teenagers, low-skilled foreign workers and women with no relatives or family support.

Several undercover surveillance revealed that these fake abortion clinics tend to lure victims by giving them the impression that they provide “cheap or free treatments”, pregnancy tests, testing for sexually transmitted infections, and “all options” for unintended pregnancy. Scammers are using various tactics to convince their victims to buy abortion pills via COD by providing them with fake pills or cloned generic medications.

They trap women to prevent them from having abortions, which will lead to forced parenting, selling babies, and human trafficking. Although clear evidence has revealed that abortion is safer than childbirth, these vile anti-abortion tactics will continue portray it as dangerous or even deadly.

Other References:


The Abortion Kit

Effective 1 January 2020, we have discontinued the outdated WhatsApp number 01128892075. Please beware not to contact the outdated number (01128897071) which may lead to fraudulent transactions with unknown individuals.

SafeParenthood Malaysia is currently reachable via WhatsApp at 01133857071 only. Please update your contact settings to avoid reaching wrong individuals. We would like to convey  warm regards for your continuous support in our pursuit of improvement.

What does the abortion-kit contain:
 Mifepristone 200mg, Misoprostol 200mcg including pain-reliever tablets
 Dedicated 24/7 specialist support by phone & WhatsApp
 Dosage instruction, nutritional guide & recovery plan
 Doorstep delivery by courier in 1-3 working days

Terms & Conditions

1. Price: The quoted price is for pregnancy below 9 weeks, all inclusive of Mifepristone, Misoprostol, pain-relievers, dedicated 24/7 specialist support by phone & WhatsApp, dosage instruction, nutritional guide, recovery plan & courier delivery. Additional charges may apply for pregnancy above 9 weeks. 

2. Payment Terms: You agree to pay the quoted amount within 24 hours before postage.

3. Delivery: Doorstep delivery takes 1-3 working days in Malaysia and will be assigned to our selected courier provider to local destinations only. No international shipment.

4. Your Privacy: All information submitted online will be deleted from our database after 24 hours. To protect your privacy, any details related to “SafeParenthood”, “abortion”, or “pregnancy” will not be written on the packing slip. The medical-kit will be discretely packed for private individual recipient and shall not be disclosed to irrelevant parties.

5. Cancellation & Refund: All confirmed orders are non-transferable, non-refundable and non-returnable. Sold medicines cannot be restocked.

Buy Abortion Pills in Malaysia

Buying Abortion Pills in Malaysia: How much is the price of abortion pills in Malaysia?

buy abortion pills in malaysia

With the rising of fake abortion pills for sale online causing deaths, beware of anti-abortion fake news over the misleading media circulated by the Malaysian article claiming that abortion-pill price in Malaysia is ‘EXPENSIVE’ …and that the cost is triple than the ‘actual cost’. We investigated their claims and found that the article was written with lack of understanding through ignorant comparison between gastric medicine vs actual abortion pills.

Quoting an article from a Malaysian online ‘newspaper’ site:

“Meanwhile, Mifeprex is priced at US$45 (about RM190) per pill on many US-based websites. One free advertisement website even priced Mifeprex at RM580, which is 66% more than the retail price quoted on a US drug retail website.”

How much does it cost to buy abortion pills in Malaysia compared to United States?

In United States, financial cost ranges from approximately $300 – $800 (RM1180 up to around RM3500). Factors that affect the cost of abortion-pills include:

  • Lab tests & medical-paperwork
  • Doctor’s access
  • On-call consultation & follow-up charges
  • Pregnancy stages

Source: PlannedParenthood

American Pregnancy Association

The abortion-pill providers are considering all safety measures for a successful abortion. Since medical-abortion is entirely a home procedure, doctors are highly dedicated to work day & night to keep up with the patients by phone. Similarly, factors that effect the abortion-pill price in Malaysia is exactly as mentioned above.

To buy abortion pills in Malaysia, it is important to know that women should opt for the actual abortion pills which includes proper dose of Mifepristone and Misoprostol instead of gastric medicines. There are plenty of fake abortion pills being circulated online.

Commonly, most people find a brand called as Cytotec (approved by the Malaysia Ministry of Health for the treatment of gastric) but has been misused for abortion. 

The cost of gastric-pill (Cytotec) is only RM6-7 per tablet but the effectiveness is not guaranteed. Most of the pills advertised online are fake with fabricated testimonials to convince gullible women. There has been a very alarming rate of failed abortion caused by fake gastric pills and these women has to undergo a costly surgical procedure to end their pregnancies. Improper dose of gastric pills can lead to fatal complications and can cause death!

Why Some International Women-Rights Organizations Provide Abortion-Pills at Below- Rate?

That depends on how and where the medicine is sourced. Most women-rights organizations in Europe could provide abortion pills at cheapest rate since the medicines are obtained in countries that has legalised abortion. Unlike these countries, abortion providers in Malaysia are still struggling with restrictive procedures and access to highly-qualified surgeons to perform surgical abortion. Even so, abortion-pills are made available in Government hospitals but limited to women who adhere to the abortion law in Malaysia: if a pregnancy can endanger health and to save a woman’s life.

The Medical Abortion: 10 Fact Sheet


Eleven years ago, you only had one safe and legal option if you wanted an abortion –surgical procedure. But in 2000, the FDA in United States has finally approved the use of Mifepristone for medical abortions. Since then, nearly 2.4 million women worldwide have used the approved medication to terminate their unintended pregnancies. Here are some interesting facts about the medical abortion:

Recovery After Medical Abortion

feel_the_freedom_by_shwalin-d3fup6hRecovery duration after a successful abortion is different for every woman, and will depend on the pregnancy stages (gestation) when the abortion occurs. Most women will recover quickly within a few days, some women take several weeks to recover. However, most women can return to work as normal after a few days.

We would recommend you to delay from returning to work until after the medical abortion is complete as you will have cramping and bleeding. This is usually within 1-2 days after taking the Misoprostol tablet or longer depending on your how your body respond to the medication. Do not force yourself until you are fully recovered.

After a medical abortion, you’ll experience bleeding, cramping and you may see a large blood clot. The abortion may take a few hours and it is usually completed within 1-3 days. Once the pregnancy has been passed, your bleeding will usually lessen and become like a slightly heavier period. It may continue to be quite heavy for a day or two as the uterus needs to contract and return to its normal condition.

Abdominal Cramp
Most women experience intermittent cramping after an abortion. This usually lasts for about a week and can be managed with hot packs, Ibuprofen and Celebrex. These painkillers can be purchased at pharmacies.

Unstable Emotions
After a successful abortion, it’s completely normal to experience a range of feelings such as relief, guilt, regret and sadness. For most women, these feelings fade after a few weeks or months. We recommend that you have someone with you after your abortion to talk to. We offer free, private counseling for all our clients who’ve had abortion, for as many sessions as needed.

Other Tips for Speedy Recovery?
Recovery usually happens quite quickly but there are some things you can do to make the experience easier, and also symptoms to look out for.

Sexual Intercourse
Do not to have sexual intercourse for at least 2 weeks after an abortion to minimize the risk of infection. This is for your wellbeing, as it gives your body the best chance to recover after your treatment. If you do not use contraception on your sexual intercourse, then you are at risk of a getting pregnant again.

Pregnancy Test
Make sure you take a pregnancy test to check your treatment has been successful. A routine check-up is not necessary after a successful medical or surgical abortion. We advise you to take a pregnancy test (not later than 4 weeks) after your abortion to ensure that it’s successful. It is best to go for an ultrasound test 10 days after a completed abortion.

Do not exercise for 2 weeks. Swimming, team sports, going to the gym, horse riding or heavy physical work can all increase bleeding. If you have toddler children, try not to carry them more than necessary for the first few days – particularly up and downstairs.

We advise you not to drink alcohol for 48 hours following your treatment. Alcohol can increase the risk of heavy bleeding and lessen the chance of quick recovery.

Leaking Breasts
This is quite common following an abortion. Your body has been preparing for the pregnancy for a few weeks and your breasts will have enlarged to produce milk to for breastfeeding. It will take a while to get back to normal and during this time your breasts may leak.

Unlike surgical abortion, you will not be able to breastfeed for 5 hours after taking the second set of tablets. You may press some milk before taking the dose until you are well enough to continue breastfeeding.

The Medical Abortion


What is the medical abortion?
“Medical abortion” is using pills to terminate a pregnancy, it’s a non-surgical method using a combination of Mifepristone & Misoprostol to end a pregnancy naturally. This procedure can be done safely at home. In general, it’s used up to 63 days (9 weeks) — after the first day of a woman’s last period.

What is the success rate?
It’s highly recommended during the 1st trimester pregnancy where 99.9% women who had medical abortions within 9 weeks pregnancy had successfully terminated their pregnancy without undergoing costly surgery.

Can I purchase it at any pharmacy or clinic?
No. Although Mifepristone is FDA-approved, the Ministry of Health in Malaysia does not recognize the sale of abortion pills for public. As a result, women who suffered from accidental pregnancies had to risk their lives by dealing with scammers, fake doctors, online illegal drug smugglers and impostors. Under the initiatives of international women-rights activists, legal advisors and pro-choice gynaecologists, SafeParenthood was funded under a coalition of family planners in Malaysia to provide a private and safe approach to end unwanted births while reaching out all women under such distressful situation. This initiative aims to provide a non-judgmental platform for safe abortion, medical access and family planning solutions for all women regardless of their social backgrounds & marital status.

Can I use Cytotec for abortion without Mifepristone?
No. A gastric medication known as “Cytotec” which primary function is to treat gastric ulcer BUT most women abuse it for abortion. It was known to cause birth defects, incomplete abortion, premature labor and rupture of the cervix. A safe and effective medical abortion is through a combination of Misoprostol & Mifepristone with appropriate dosage based on pregnancy size. Clinical research has concluded that using Cytotec alone for abortion is complicated and risky, the rate of medical failure is high (only 50-60% chance of abortion) will cause women to end up with costly surgical procedure later on. Unscrupulous doctors will exploit this situation by recommending inadequate dose of Cytotec, knowing that the failure rate is high and will coerce women to opt for costly surgery.

Can I consume the abortion pill at home?
Yes. This procedure is 8 times safer than childbirth labor. In fact, using the abortion medication is much easier compared to other prescribed medicines. You will be given a complete dosage instruction with guidelines for private usage at home.

Is abortion pill safe?
Since Mifepristone has been approved by FDA in 2001, millions of women worldwide had chosen Mifepristone as a non-surgical alternative to terminate early pregnancy naturally. The safety is well-established through clinical research and has been studied for more than a decade. When consuming the medication, it’s normal if you experience the following:
pointsheavy bleeding (period) and are soaking through more than two maxi pads in 1 hour
pointsblood clots for 2 hours or more that are larger than a grapefruit (or as tiny as a tadpole)
pointschills and a fever of 37°C or higher after the day of the procedure
pointsnausea, vomiting or diarrhea that lasts more than 24 hours
pointsan unpleasant smelling discharge from your vagina
pointsabdominal pain or discomfort

You should start to feel better each day after the abortion. Click here for more information on after-abortion recovery.

Who should not use abortion pill?
The medical abortion may not be right for all women. You should not use it if you:-
pointscurrently have an IUD. You need to remove it before taking the medication
pointsdo not have phone access or transportation to the nearest clinic (in case of emergency)
pointshave a known or suspected ectopic or molar pregnancy (abnormal placenta)
pointstake any other medicine that should not be combined for abortion
pointshave severe adrenal gland, heart, kidney, or liver problems
pointsare more than 105 days (above 15 weeks pregnant)
pointshave a blood-clotting disorder

Can I use abortion pill while breastfeeding?
Although it’s not known whether the quality of breastmilk can be affected by abortion pill, precautionary measure is recommended for possibility of Misoprostol substance that might present in the breast milk after you take it. If you’re breastfeeding, small traces of the medication may cause your infant to have diarrhoea, nausea and stomach discomforts. Advisable to stop breastfeeding for a few hours, or at least 2 hours time gap after each dosage consumption.

How does abortion pill work?
Mifepristone acts as anti-progesterone component, by stopping the growth of the embryo by hindering its element of growth, nourishment and oxygen. Then, the second medication, — Misoprostol carries out the expulsion of the embryo, blood and tissues by causing uterine contraction and thereby resulting in successful abortion.
How to use abortion pills?
After purchasing the medical abortion kit, you will be provided with a complete dosage instructions, nutritional and recovery guide including a 24-hours dedicated assistance you can call or Whatsapp if you have any questions or concerns. Here is the most common way of using the abortion pill:

Day 1 — Mifepristone (1 tablet orally)
This is the main requirement for abortion. Mifepristone works by blocking the progesterone hormones. Without progesterone, the lining of the uterus breaks down, and pregnancy cannot continue.

Day 2 — Misoprostol (4 tablets per dose, then repeat after 5 hours)
You need to consume this medicine on the second day after the Mifepristone dosage. Misoprostol cleanse the uterus by flushing the embryo out.

Do I need a doctor check-up after the abortion?
No. If your pregnancy is normal and you’re currently healthy, the medical abortion will not cause any illness or complications. Some women with anemia might experience a severe blood loss & dehydration, they need to go to clinic for a medical supervision. Do not consume other drugs or alcohol during the abortion process. After a successful abortion, advisable to wait for 14 days before an ultrasound to ensure that your uterus has expelled the thick layer of residues, tissues and blood clots.

Is it painful to use abortion pill?
Most women don’t feel anything after consuming Mifepristone. The second medicine (Misoprostol) — will cause you to have cramps and bleed heavily. Some women may begin bleeding before taking the next medicine on Day 2. But for most, the bleeding and cramping begin after consuming Misoprostol on Day 2. It usually lasts a few hours. You may see large blood clots or tissue at the time of the abortion. Most women abort within 6-8 hours after consuming Misoprostol. For others, it takes longer (abortion should occur in 3 days). It’s normal to have some bleeding or spotting for up to four weeks after the abortion. Only use pads for bleeding after an abortion for sanitary care. During the abortion, you will experience:
pointstemporary abdominal cramps
pointsnausea or vomit
pointsmild fever or colds

Can I use a pain-reliever to heal my cramps?
Not necessary. However, Acetaminophen (like Tylenol) or Ibuprofen (like Advil) can reduce most of these symptoms. They’re available at most pharmacies under trade name Nurofen, Diclofenac or Tylenol. Do not use Aspirin, as it will heal a cramp but causes heavier bleeding. You may feel more at ease if you have a trusted partner, friend or loved one with you during the abortion.

How do I know if the abortion is successful or not?
Abortion is completed when the embryo is expelled from the uterus. You can see when the embryo comes out during the bleeding process (usually in a few hours or up to 3 days). Depending on the pregnancy stage, the embryo is expelled in various size & shapes along with tissues & blood. The image below illustrates miscarriage at 5th week:
 How to buy the abortion pill?
Before deciding to buy the abortion pill, advisable to conduct ultrasound at your 5th-6th week to ensure your pregnancy is normal (not ectopic) and the size is within the safest range for you to undergo medical abortion at home. If you’re currently healthy (no existing chronic illness) and the pregnancy is normal, you may proceed and click here to fill-up the order form. 

The Medical Abortion: 10 Typical Lies You’ve Probably Heard Of


Myths and misunderstandings exist about the procedure — If you read the news, watch TV, go to the movies, or basically digest any kind of media, then you’ve probably been exposed to some misinformation about abortion. Those ‘horror stories’ run the gamut and are perpetuated by many groups who are against abortion, to scare you away from abortion.

Today we start an open conversation to spread awareness about the safe abortion and, in true myth-busting style, we’re going to debunk all of their lies until the very last one.

Lie #1: “Abortion kills an innocent soul”
There’s a lot of controversy out there about this argument, and it’s obviously the most commonly used statement. Whether it’s in politics, religion or moral debates, most people have heard this at one point or another. But let’s focus on the SCIENTIFIC FACT:

In the 1st trimester, an embryo develops into fetus after the end of the second month of gestation. In these early stages of pregnancy (when safe abortions are performed), the fetus is not yet a baby. It’s only a growing tissue with no organs.

Lie #2: “Abortion is dangerous” 
Here’s the truth backed by research: abortion is safe. In fact, particularly the 1st-trimester abortion (up to 12th week), medical abortion is one of the safest procedure you can have. According to the clinical research by Guttmacher Institute, 1st-trimester abortions carry less than 0.05% risk of a major complication that would lead to a hospital visit.

And here’s something that will really blow your mind: abortion is significantly safer than childbirth. Researchers have found that the risk of death during childbirth is 14 times higher than from complications during an abortion.

Lie #3: “Abortion will risk the fertility of your future pregnancy”
This myth has no grounds in reality. Safe abortions, whether surgical or with medication, have nothing to do with infertility. You do not have to give up your hopes of having a family when you want to have one. In fact, a Government-funded research in Denmark has found that abortion does not increase the chances of infertility, ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages, or birth defects in future pregnancies.

Lie #4: “Abortion is irresponsible” 
Many women who’ve had an abortion understand the basic need of a child: a quality life. They’ve made a courageous decision in order to focus on building a stronger relationship, steady income and career to support a family life. For them, they would rather not having a child than neglecting their children’s basic needs. Does it sound irresponsible to you?

Lie #5: “Too many abortions can cause social problems”
Without getting too subjective on this one, let’s get straight down to the facts. Abortion is one of a preventive solution to solve the increasing number of suicides, child abuses & abandoning cases. The question should then be about prevention, not about how these women chose to handle their situation. In fact, criminalizing abortion does not prevent the women from looking for other alternative (including dangerous ways) to terminate their unplanned pregnancies.

Lie #6: “Abortion medication causes a woman to suffer deadly pain”
That sounds like the plot from the bedtime horror story, doesn’t it? There’s a lot of graphic imagery associated with this story, but this is largely dramatized & manipulated by anti-abortion group to scare most women from having an abortion. Medical abortion only requires a woman to take a series of 2 medications (Mifepristone & Misoprostol) that induce a natural miscarriage.

Medical abortion has a similar effect as natural miscarriage. Since it has been approved by the FDA in 2000, nearly 2.4 million women in United States have opted for non-surgical abortion to terminate their pregnancy safely & naturally.

Lie #7: “People who have abortions regret it or experience a traumatic life”
Getting an abortion means different things to different people. Feeling grief or sadness are normal emotions after getting an abortion. The truth is, 95% of abortion patients felt relieved that they made the right decision, knowing that they can’t be a good mother at some point of their life.

Lie #8: “Only selfish immoral women have abortions”
The decision of every woman to determine her life path is based on her circumstances. This does not mean selfishness, it means maturity and courage to make a decision, even when obstacles stand in her way. A woman, her life, her body, her goals and her dreams are important too. A woman’s decision when she is ready to have children is in her own hands.

Lie #9: “Abortion causes breast cancer”
That’s only a rumor. Here’s the truth: In 1997, New England Journal of Medicine had published a research on 1.5 million women to prove such claim. The result found there’s no independent link between abortion and breast cancer. Since then, the American Medical Association and the American Cancer Society have equally agreed that there is no connection between abortion and breast cancer.

Lie #10: “The fetus is suffering pain during abortion”
Pain reception develops in the neocortex (brain part) of the baby, which is not formed until the 3rd trimester (27 weeks). This takes place long after most miscarriages have already occurred, and after safe abortions are performed within 14 weeks.

Discuss Your Options With Us

Pregnancy & Adoption Counseling
A crisis of unplanned pregnancy can cause a range of depression and anxiety. During the session, a women specialist will listen to you and help you explore and work through these issues. They will also give you accurate, honest and clear information about your options.


In this session, you will be given the opportunity to have:
pointsInformation on adoption-parenting services
pointsInformation on pre-natal care providers
pointsOngoing pregnancy support


Our network is nationwide. 
For appointment, please WhatsApp (011)-3385-7071 (Dr. Reena)

Continue reading “Discuss Your Options With Us”

Pregnancy Symptoms & Stages

Understand the Symptoms
Do you think you might be pregnant? You may be experiencing some of the following:
pointsLate or Missed Period
pointsNausea and Sickness
pointsSwelling/Tender Breasts
pointsMood Swings

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and you are concerned you may be pregnant; you should take a pregnancy test.

Pregnancy Stages
Women go through many changes during each stage of pregnancy. Many of the pregnancy symptoms they have and the changes they deal with are common to a healthy pregnancy. The stages of embryonic and fetal development also follow a common pattern:
pointsA wide range of physical & emotional symptoms during pregnancy
pointsPregnancy begins when a fertilized egg implants in the uterus
pointsFetuses grow and change dramatically throughout a pregnancy

Here is a description of the stages of pregnancy and the changes that women go through during a healthy pregnancy. There are 3 stages of pregnancy a woman goes through before finally giving birth. The total time a woman is pregnant is about 40 weeks. Obviously the exact number of days will vary from one woman to the next because of all the variables:

Stage 1: First Trimester (Weeks 1-12)
The changes to her hormones affect almost every organ. She may experience symptoms early on, or they may come later and this varies from person to person. Symptoms that may occur include: mood swings, nausea, vomiting, cravings for some foods and dislikes for other foods, constipation, urinating more frequently, fatigue, swollen, tender breasts, heartburn, headaches and a gain in weight. Her routine will certainly change. She will most likely go to bed earlier and even take naps during the day. She will want to eat smaller meals more often. Symptoms won’t all hit at once and they can come and go. No two pregnancies are alike, even if we are talking about the same mother.

Stage 2: Second Trimester (Weeks 13-28)
Most mothers discover that the second trimester is easier to handle than the first one. There is usually less fatigue and nausea. However, her body will change more radically. The baby will move a little during this time. She will likely get swelling in her fingers, ankles and face. If there’s a lot of swelling, she must contact her doctor urgently, as this can be an indicator of preeclampsia. The mother will have pain and aches in her back, legs, feet, abdomen, thigh and groin at times. Stretch marks may start to appear as the abdomen expands. Parts of her skin can go darker; this is usually on the cheeks, nose, upper lip or forehead. Both sides of the face may match in shade. Doctors often refer to this as the “mask of pregnancy.”

Stage 3: Third Trimester (Weeks 29-40)
Many of the issues she faced during the second trimester will carry on. She may find it hard to breathe and will probably go to the toilet more often, because the baby is putting more and more pressure on her organs. Additional symptoms can include: shortness of breath, trouble sleeping, tender breasts, contractions (which may be false or real labor), her belly button will stick out and the baby will drop lower in her abdomen. The doctor will do regular checks as the due date approaches and she feels the excitement getting more intense. It’s important for the mother to do everything in her power to maintain her health, as well as the health of the baby.

Preventing Your Future Pregnancy

About 8/10 sexually active women would become pregnant over the course of a year if they didn’t use any contraception or preventive measures. So, if you don’t want to have a baby, it’s important to take precautions. There are many different types of contraception available ranging from emergency, hormonal and barrier methods to long-acting or permanent contraception.

What are the contraceptive methods available?
There are different methods of contraception, including:
pointsLong-acting reversible contraception, such as an implant, or an intra uterine device
pointsHormonal contraception such as contraceptive pills – injection and vaginal rings
pointsPermanent contraception (vasectomy or tubal ligation)
pointsBarriers methods, such as condoms and diaphragms
pointsEmergency contraception
pointsFertility awareness

Long-lasting reversible contraception
They are “fit and forget” contraception. These types of contraception last longer so are more effective at preventing pregnancy because you don’t have to worry about forgetting pills or a condom breaking or coming off. Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) is a contraceptive that lasts for a long time. You don’t need to remember it every day or even every month. There are two types:
pointsAn intrauterine device (IUD) that lasts five or more years
pointsAn implant under the skin that lasts either three or five years

Hormonal contraceptives
Hormonal contraception works very well at preventing pregnancy. Hormonal contraceptives include the combined oral contraceptive pill and the progestogen-only pill (also known as the ‘mini-pill’). Other hormonal methods include contraceptive patches, injections, implants, the vaginal ring and the intrauterine system (IUS). It’s important to remember that they don’t protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) though. Non hormonal methods of contraception include condoms, diaphragms and the intrauterine device (IUD).

Barrier methods
Barrier methods stop sperm from entering the vagina. The most common methods are:
pointsCondom to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmissible infections (STIs)
pointsDiaphragm inserted into the vagina before intercourse

Fertility awareness
Fertility awareness is recognising the signs of fertility in a woman’s menstrual cycle. It can be used to understand your own menstrual cycle, plan a pregnancy or avoid a pregnancy.

Emergency contraception
There are two options for emergency contraception – the emergency contraceptive pill (ECP) or a copper IUD. Emergency contraception can be used to prevent pregnancy after you have had sexual intercourse when:
pointsyou haven’t used any protection
pointsyour normal contraception fails e.g. condom splits
pointsyou have missed more than one contraceptive pill
pointsyou have been vomiting or had diarrhoea while on the pill
pointsyou have been forced to have sex without contraception
pointsyou have missed your injection

Permanent contraception
The procedure for men is called vasectomy and for women it is tubal ligation. Permanent contraception is sterilisation that permanently prevents pregnancy.