The Medical Abortion


What is the medical abortion?
“Medical abortion” is using pills to terminate a pregnancy, it’s a non-surgical method using a combination of Mifepristone & Misoprostol to end a pregnancy naturally. This procedure can be done safely at home. In general, it’s used up to 63 days (9 weeks) — after the first day of a woman’s last period.

What is the success rate?
It’s highly recommended during the 1st trimester pregnancy where 99.9% women who had medical abortions within 9 weeks pregnancy had successfully terminated their pregnancy without undergoing costly surgery.

Can I purchase it at any pharmacy or clinic?
No. Although Mifepristone is FDA-approved, the Ministry of Health in Malaysia does not recognize the sale of abortion pills for public. As a result, women who suffered from accidental pregnancies had to risk their lives by dealing with scammers, fake doctors, online illegal drug smugglers and impostors. Under the initiatives of international women-rights activists, legal advisors and pro-choice gynaecologists, SafeParenthood was funded under a coalition of family planners in Malaysia to provide a private and safe approach to end unwanted births while reaching out all women under such distressful situation. This initiative aims to provide a non-judgmental platform for safe abortion, medical access and family planning solutions for all women regardless of their social backgrounds & marital status.

Can I use Cytotec for abortion without Mifepristone?
No. A gastric medication known as “Cytotec” which primary function is to treat gastric ulcer BUT most women abuse it for abortion. It was known to cause birth defects, incomplete abortion, premature labor and rupture of the cervix. A safe and effective medical abortion is through a combination of Misoprostol & Mifepristone with appropriate dosage based on pregnancy size. Clinical research has concluded that using Cytotec alone for abortion is complicated and risky, the rate of medical failure is high (only 50-60% chance of abortion) will cause women to end up with costly surgical procedure later on. Unscrupulous doctors will exploit this situation by recommending inadequate dose of Cytotec, knowing that the failure rate is high and will coerce women to opt for costly surgery.

Can I consume the abortion pill at home?
Yes. This procedure is 8 times safer than childbirth labor. In fact, using the abortion medication is much easier compared to other prescribed medicines. You will be given a complete dosage instruction with guidelines for private usage at home.

Is abortion pill safe?
Since Mifepristone has been approved by FDA in 2001, millions of women worldwide had chosen Mifepristone as a non-surgical alternative to terminate early pregnancy naturally. The safety is well-established through clinical research and has been studied for more than a decade. When consuming the medication, it’s normal if you experience the following:
pointsheavy bleeding (period) and are soaking through more than two maxi pads in 1 hour
pointsblood clots for 2 hours or more that are larger than a grapefruit (or as tiny as a tadpole)
pointschills and a fever of 37°C or higher after the day of the procedure
pointsnausea, vomiting or diarrhea that lasts more than 24 hours
pointsan unpleasant smelling discharge from your vagina
pointsabdominal pain or discomfort

You should start to feel better each day after the abortion. Click here for more information on after-abortion recovery.

Who should not use abortion pill?
The medical abortion may not be right for all women. You should not use it if you:-
pointscurrently have an IUD. You need to remove it before taking the medication
pointsdo not have phone access or transportation to the nearest clinic (in case of emergency)
pointshave a known or suspected ectopic or molar pregnancy (abnormal placenta)
pointstake any other medicine that should not be combined for abortion
pointshave severe adrenal gland, heart, kidney, or liver problems
pointsare more than 105 days (above 15 weeks pregnant)
pointshave a blood-clotting disorder

Can I use abortion pill while breastfeeding?
Although it’s not known whether the quality of breastmilk can be affected by abortion pill, precautionary measure is recommended for possibility of Misoprostol substance that might present in the breast milk after you take it. If you’re breastfeeding, small traces of the medication may cause your infant to have diarrhoea, nausea and stomach discomforts. Advisable to stop breastfeeding for a few hours, or at least 2 hours time gap after each dosage consumption.

How does abortion pill work?
Mifepristone acts as anti-progesterone component, by stopping the growth of the embryo by hindering its element of growth, nourishment and oxygen. Then, the second medication, — Misoprostol carries out the expulsion of the embryo, blood and tissues by causing uterine contraction and thereby resulting in successful abortion.
How to use abortion pills?
After purchasing the medical abortion kit, you will be provided with a complete dosage instructions, nutritional and recovery guide including a 24-hours dedicated assistance you can call or Whatsapp if you have any questions or concerns. Here is the most common way of using the abortion pill:

Day 1 — Mifepristone (1 tablet orally)
This is the main requirement for abortion. Mifepristone works by blocking the progesterone hormones. Without progesterone, the lining of the uterus breaks down, and pregnancy cannot continue.

Day 2 — Misoprostol (4 tablets per dose, then repeat after 5 hours)
You need to consume this medicine on the second day after the Mifepristone dosage. Misoprostol cleanse the uterus by flushing the embryo out.

Do I need a doctor check-up after the abortion?
No. If your pregnancy is normal and you’re currently healthy, the medical abortion will not cause any illness or complications. Some women with anemia might experience a severe blood loss & dehydration, they need to go to clinic for a medical supervision. Do not consume other drugs or alcohol during the abortion process. After a successful abortion, advisable to wait for 14 days before an ultrasound to ensure that your uterus has expelled the thick layer of residues, tissues and blood clots.

Is it painful to use abortion pill?
Most women don’t feel anything after consuming Mifepristone. The second medicine (Misoprostol) — will cause you to have cramps and bleed heavily. Some women may begin bleeding before taking the next medicine on Day 2. But for most, the bleeding and cramping begin after consuming Misoprostol on Day 2. It usually lasts a few hours. You may see large blood clots or tissue at the time of the abortion. Most women abort within 6-8 hours after consuming Misoprostol. For others, it takes longer (abortion should occur in 3 days). It’s normal to have some bleeding or spotting for up to four weeks after the abortion. Only use pads for bleeding after an abortion for sanitary care. During the abortion, you will experience:
pointstemporary abdominal cramps
pointsnausea or vomit
pointsmild fever or colds

Can I use a pain-reliever to heal my cramps?
Not necessary. However, Acetaminophen (like Tylenol) or Ibuprofen (like Advil) can reduce most of these symptoms. They’re available at most pharmacies under trade name Nurofen, Diclofenac or Tylenol. Do not use Aspirin, as it will heal a cramp but causes heavier bleeding. You may feel more at ease if you have a trusted partner, friend or loved one with you during the abortion.

How do I know if the abortion is successful or not?
Abortion is completed when the embryo is expelled from the uterus. You can see when the embryo comes out during the bleeding process (usually in a few hours or up to 3 days). Depending on the pregnancy stage, the embryo is expelled in various size & shapes along with tissues & blood. The image below illustrates miscarriage at 5th week:
 How to buy the abortion pill?
Before deciding to buy the abortion pill, advisable to conduct ultrasound at your 5th-6th week to ensure your pregnancy is normal (not ectopic) and the size is within the safest range for you to undergo medical abortion at home. If you’re currently healthy (no existing chronic illness) and the pregnancy is normal, you may proceed and click here to fill-up the order form.